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Consider These Technology Upgrades to Transform the Salon


Technology has fundamentally changed the way salons do business. From booking appointments to improving the customer experience, there is an endless list of technology available to salon owners. But with such an overload of options, knowing what’s worth the time and investment is sometimes challenging. Here are some of the best tech upgrades salon owners can make to streamline operations, promote their business, and more—plus a few considerations to keep in mind.

The Internet

One crucial update salons should make if they haven’t already, is getting the internet (and more specifically Wi-Fi). A salon without Wi-Fi will leave customers feeling like they’ve stepped into a black hole, and since the internet is the foundation of nearly all of today’s technology, it is a necessary step toward making most other upgrades.

Salon Management Software

One of the most transformative technology upgrades available to salons is salon management software. Salon management software is a solid investment that will more than pay for itself in time saved. With a plethora of options available, these tools can handle everything from managing inventory to booking clients, reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs), and so much more. Automating these tasks significantly reduces the amount of hands-on time required for administrative duties. Managing the salon has never been easier!

Many salon software management systems are available, each with a diverse set of features and benefits. In selecting a software system, consider what aspects of the business currently consume the most time.

Online Presence

The widespread melding of the physical and online world has changed how salons market their services. While traditional marketing avenues such as advertisements in local publications still hold value, much of salon marketing is now online. This opens up a host of different marketing tactics to salon owners, but does require a few upgrades, the most important of which is a mobile-friendly website.

These days, clients expect to be able to interact with salons online, browsing services, booking appointments, and more—all from their mobile device. Further, salons with websites that aren’t mobile-friendly are not ranked as high in Google, since the search engine prioritizes mobile user experience.

To truly have a successful online presence, salons must do more than put up a mobile-friendly website: They should be active on the social media platforms their clients are using. Salons benefit from marketing their services through live streaming, sharing video content, and showcasing results in other visual formats on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Though this is a cost-effective approach (sharing content on social media reaches a large audience at almost no cost), it does sometimes mean that salon owners might want to consider upgrades in lighting, video quality, and other areas to showcase the salon at its best.

Proximity Marketing

Proximity marketing is a cutting-edge upgrade that salons can make to take marketing programs to the next level.

Proximity marketing works by delivering a message to a mobile device based on location. A small “beacon” placed in the salon emits a specific signal. Mobile devices pick up the signal and deliver targeted messaging based on predesignated factors. Once set up, salons can upsell services, offer discounts, request feedback, and more, without even having to think about it.


Salon tools are constantly advancing as well, from the materials to the way they perform, and every aspect in between. The latest and greatest gadgets aren’t always a necessity, but it pays to make smart decisions when it comes to tools. Opt for upgrades that will save time, improve results, or streamline tasks. For instance, in looking at hair dryers, Professional Hairdryers Active Oxygen - White by Gamma Piu is the only hair dryer on the market with Active Oxygen, which actually improves hair health and enhances color, adding value to a simple task.

The Customer Experience

There are tons of ways in which technology can improve the customer experience, from smart thermostats and music to streamlined drink ordering and more. These upgrades are fun and add to the client experience, but before going all out on shiny gadgets, keep in mind that stylist skills are the most critical upgrade of all.

New techniques and advancements make continuing education for stylists essential to keeping up with the times and providing the optimal customer experience.

From salon management software to marketing tactics, and even customer experience, the ever-changing plethora of available salon technology upgrades makes knowing what’s most relevant to a given salon challenging. In choosing where to invest, consider what upgrades could most benefit the salon, as well as which are likely to provide the most return on investment (ROI). And don’t forget to keep up the salon’s most valuable asset: the skills of its stylists. Check out the schedule for upcoming classes by Salon Only Sales.