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Become an Educator

Become a Salon Only Sales Brand Educator


What does a SOS Brand Educator do?
Once selected and trained, a SOS Brand Educator becomes a vital part of a team that includes SOS and the national or international brand they represent. A SOS Brand Educator is responsible for educating both new and existing customers. The content of classes taught range from basic product knowledge to more advanced techniques, depending on the the level of training a SOS Brand Educator has completed. In addition to teaching classes on their own, a SOS Brand Educator may also have the opportunity to assist National and International artists at SOS sponsored shows and events.

What makes a good SOS Brand Educator?
A SOS Brand Educator must be a skilled, licensed hairstylist that currently uses the brand. Top notch presentation skills are a must as a SOS Brand Educator presents and teaches to both small and large groups. He or she is a stylist with a passion for his/her craft and the product line which he/she is representing. A SOS Brand Educator is a stylist looking to further their career outside of the salon.

Why become a SOS Brand Educator?
Through Train the Trainer classes, each SOS Brand Educator receives additional, in-depth training on a brand. Becoming a SOS Brand Educator keeps you in the know and helps you become an expert that other stylists look to for inspiration and assistance. A SOS Brand Educator is one of the first to hear about and try new products. Payment for teaching classes varies according to the brand and the classes taught, but a SOS Brand Educator is compensated for each class they teach.

How is a SOS Brand Educator selected?
The selection process for SOS Brand Educators varies slightly depending on the brand; however, every brand requires completing and passing a Train the Trainer class.
If you are interested in becoming a SOS Brand Educator for any of the brands we carry, please complete an SOS Brand Educator Application and send a video between one and three minutes in length to Melissa Horton at [email protected].

What should your audition video include:
1. Your name, salon name, city and state.
2. The brand you would like to be an educator for, and why you’d be a great SOS Brand Educator. Videos can be taken on your phone –nothing fancy is required – we just want to get to know you and why you want to be part of the SOS team.