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Education: Advice for Beauty Pros

6 Easy Ways to Get and Stay Healthy as a Stylist


The holiday season is a whirlwind. By the time New Year's resolutions roll around, we’re all ready to make some positive changes for a healthier lifestyle.

Finding time to stay healthy as a stylist may seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be; try out these simple ways to integrate a more healthy lifestyle into a busy schedule.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated might seem obvious, but it’s so important and so easy to forget. One way to be better at staying hydrated is to keep a bottle of water by the station. It not only serves as a reminder to drink more water, but it makes it easy to snag a quick drink between tasks without having to break up workflow.

Eat Healthy

Finding the time to take lunch often seems next to impossible. Grabbing something fast and scarfing it down in the break room between clients is usually the go-to option, but this can bring on sluggish and icky feelings.

Try eating smaller, healthy snacks throughout the day; keep a stash of trail mix or almonds close by, or any food that won’t cause an energy crash. Having something at the ready makes making the healthier choice that much easier, and, your digestive system will thank you!


Stretching before you hit the chair and a few times throughout the day keeps the blood flowing and energy going. It also melts away stress when you’re feeling overworked. Stretching doesn’t have to be time-consuming either—a quick stretch between clients goes a long way. Work in some hand and wrist stretches; hands can easily become stiff as a result of repetitive motions.

Stretching at the end of the day can help you to relax too!

Invest in a Good Mat

Standing for extended periods drains energy quickly even after a good night’s sleep. Choosing the right footwear helps, but ultimately, can still leave your feet (and you) feeling exhausted.

Investing in a good anti-fatigue mat makes a big difference in keeping energy levels up throughout the day and making sure your feet can keep up through every hairstyle.

Reduce Chemical Exposure

Avoiding exposure to chemicals is challenging as a stylist, but reducing exposure won’t cost any additional money and will create an awareness of the salon surroundings.

Avoid working in unventilated areas and handle any chemicals with care, tightly closing lids and properly disposing of waste in a sealed container.

Wear proper protective gloves and avoid reusing disposable gloves.

Always work with natural, environmentally friendly salon products when possible. Salon Only Sales is committed to stylist health and the environment, selecting only brands that support this, so be confident when using our products.

Practice Mindfulness

The hectic environment of a salon fosters anxiety and irritability, and let’s face it: Sometimes being a stylist feels more like being a therapist. Be mindful of how you’re feeling throughout the day and why you might be feeling a certain way. Try not to let a down client affect your mood, and don’t be afraid to step away and take a breath to regroup if you’re reaching your limit.

Commit to a positive change: Start the new year with a healthier and happier you by working some of the advice here into your daily routine! Learn how to make a positive change in the beauty industry by joining the Green Circle Salons movement.