OUR PASSION IS TO BE THE AGENT OF CHANGE- HELPING OUR SALON PARTNERS THRIVEWe are the premiere distributor of professional salon products to independent salons located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming.
Founded in 2004, Salon Only Sales champions what is right in the world in salon products. Our aim is to save partner salons by promoting a healthy "hairdresser first" alternative to corporate industry brands that show little regard for the health of the Beauty Industry or the integrity of the hairdresser. S.O.S makes it a point to provide salon brands that are:
- Diversion Free
- Salon environment healthy
- Newest haircare technologies
- Sustainable nature-positive ingredients
- Products stylists can trust and be proud of

The entire world has served as an inspiration for finding the most innovative and original products available. S.O.S. brands offer a wide range of price points to satisfy any customer, while also providing boutique brands- customers come back to your salon to purchase. Our educational programs and in-salon classes give the stylists the confidence and know how to move their services, products, and business forward.
Salon Only Sales offers a vital alternative in the age of the big business salon system. Unethical corporations have bought once trusted brands and turned them into mass-market commodities. Salon distribution channels have also become monopolized by Big Business. Honest product information and sense of community have been lost, while wider issues are affecting the salon bottom line, livelihood, and the health of their industry.
It is time to take back our industry and Save Our Salons. The power is in your hands, take a stand. Send a message in a bottle.
OUR PRINCIPLESOur principles guide how we conduct everyday business. We work hard to manage Salon Only Sales with care for the health and prosperity of our customers and the environment. All of us at S.O.S, no matter what our roles, are committed to these principles. We strive to continuously improve and build a bright future for our salon customers.
EconomicDrive economic growth for our salon customers.
Provide customers with education and products that deliver value.
Provide destination brands- brands that customers come back to you to buy.
EthicalSpeak the truth about issues that deal with salon livelihood.
Conduct business ethically and fairly.
Do business with manufacturers that share our values.
EnvironmentalPromote stewardship of natural resources.
Support society's need for energy through sustainable business practices.
Promote organic and wildcrafted products.